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Records Requests

In accordance with Florida’s Public Record Act, please contact the following individuals for information relating to public records requests:

C. Danvers “Dan” Beatty- Executive Director

Katie Roundtree- Director of Finance and Administration and Records Management Liaison Officer

Please note:  Records can be obtained by phone, email or completion of the form below.

Fee Schedule for Records Request:

  1. Single-sided copies shall be furnished upon payment of 15 cents per page, or 20 cents per page for double-sided copies.
  2. There is a $1 per page charge for certified copy of a public record.
  3. Requested to be inspected, examined or copied pursuant to Florida Statute 119.07(1) requiring extensive use of information technology resources or extensive clerical or supervisory assistance will be charged, in addition to the actual cost of duplication, the actual labor cost of the personnel providing the service.


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